
EU Projects

Improvement of Employee's Information Technology Skills

The goal of the training is to enhance the company's ability to apply artificial intelligence and data analysis to optimize business processes, predict customer behavior, and improve product quality.

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Co Funded Eu

Creation of an innovative platform for dedicated programmers with Artificial Intelligence

The goal of the project is to create an automated IT system for managing teams of dedicated programmers. The AI driven platform is created during the project and will allow filling the position of the outgoing person.

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Co Funded Eu

Naujas projektas - ruošiamės Horizon Europe ir Euratom finansavimo programų paraiškų teikimui

Įmonė iToDEV inicijuoja projektą, skirtą inovatyvių produktų kūrimui medicinos ir transporto srityse, pasitelkiant Europos Sąjungos finansavimo galimybes pagal „Horizon Europe“ ir „Euratom“ programas.

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Co Funded Eu